ASEE NCS Conference 2019

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Wheelchair Basketball Capstone Project

This paper contains an overview of the design, building, and testing of a wheelchair mounted basketball launcher. The purpose of the launcher is to allow our client, who is wheelchair bound and has limited motion in his arms and legs, a chance to play basketball with his friends and family. The launcher will shoot a standard size basketball with a circumference of 28.5 inches and is designed for use on various terrains. It is to be interfaced with our client’s wheelchair and operable by him, with the exception of assisted loading. The client will be able to control the tilt and rotation of the launcher for aiming as well as the basketball’s launch velocity. Testing will be conducted to analyze the launcher’s precision and accuracy. The durability and safety of the components along with the launcher as a whole will be tested to ensure that our design will last and keep our client, along with anyone else nearby, safe.

Jacob Russell
Ohio Northern University
United States

Carly Waugh
Ohio Northern University
United States

Cameron Jenkins
Ohio Northern University
United States

Cody Clayton
Ohio Northern University
United States

Nickolas Cordell
Ohio Northern University
United States


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