ASEE NCS Conference 2019

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Design of an object sorting system using a vision-guided robotic arm

Robotic arms are quite valuable, with lots of utility such as human-like functions along as well as high repetitiveness. High precision arms for manufacturing use are typically large, massive, and expensive. Small low-cost arms made from budget servo motors suffer from precision and accuracy problems. This paper presents a visual feedback system and a simple kinematic approach to allow a small robotic arm to detect and identify different objects when present in the field of view as well as being grasp guided by visual feedback. The real-time vision system provides visual feedback for the arm to compensate for the low precision and accuracy of budget servo motors of the robotic arm. The feedback ensures that the gripper of the arm is aligned with the object involved. This project was completed as a senior capstone design project.

Zaid El Shair
University of Michigan Dearborn

Samir Rawashdeh
University of Michigan Dearborn
United States


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