ASEE Zone 2 Conference 2017

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Teaching Systems Engineering During the First Semester

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The complexity of the systems being build are ever increasing, and the traditional engineering curriculum is having a hard time to keep up with preparing their graduates to work on such a complex systems. In recent years, most engineering and computing degrees are integrating capstone design project as part of their senior curriculum. Only part of these projects require students to work on a complex multidisciplinary projects, and some do not even require teamwork. Requiring students to work on a multidisciplinary project is a step in the right direction for preparing the graduates to enter the workforce. However, waiting until the last year to expose the students to such projects are just too late. This paper describes a multi-disciplinary introduction to engineering course that is offered during the first semester freshman year.


Massood Towhidnejad    
Embry-Riddle Aeronautic University
United States


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