ASEE NCS Conference 2019

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Office Network Message Board: A Project for DIY Hobbyist and Office Personnel

In the modern world of technology, convenience is key. People are constantly searching for easier ways to connect and communicate in today's fast paced society. The goal of our capstone project is to upgrade the basic concept of posting an update message on a Post-It-Note on your door to design and implement a wireless message board for office personnel or Do-It-Yourself (DIY) hobbyists. The use of this message board will allow a person to conveniently send or update a message to the board from their phone, no matter where that person is located, and the message sent will be displayed appropriately.

Our plan for this project is to create a wireless message board along with a detailed tutorial video which will demonstrate how this device can be made and implemented by the common man. The video will go hand in hand with written instructions, very similar to other plans provided by companies such as AdaFruit. The full Bill of Materials and supplies needed will be provided with easy instructions for set-up, building, and upkeep of the final device.

The implemented code will be free to use and will be commented so that those who wish to change the code will understand what is written and how they can change it for their needs. Security measures within the code will be implemented so that only the owner of the device will have access to the message updating system. Along with a material list, a PCB Board will be designed to be lightweight and easy to understand and purchase. Step by step instructions for assembly, soldering, and upkeep will be provided so no confusion will arise.

Georgia Snelling
Ohio Northern University
United States

Paul Kollat
Ohio Northern University
United States

Jonathan Raney
Ohio Northern University
United States


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