American Society of Engineering Education - North Central Section Spring Conference 2018

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Coding and Application of Cameras on a Spherical Robot & Musculoskeletal Effects of Vacuums and Hammers on the Human Arm: Experiences of a Secondary Student in Engineering Research

This paper discusses the results and experiences of two high school students in the NSF-funded Research Experience for Teachers (RET) Summer Scholars Program at Central Michigan University. The students participated in two veins of research through the twelve weeks of the program. Initially, the students were tasked with helping a professor interconnect computers and cameras to capture video on an omnidirectional spherical robot. Then, during the six-week RET program, the students were assigned with RET teachers to test the musculoskeletal effects of hammering on the human body, and the effects of one other everyday task of the group’s choice. From learning Python to vacuuming, the students have learned a vast amount of information during this time. This program not only can have impacts on commercial or robotic fields in the future, but also greatly increase a student’s interest and ability in engineering. The RET Summer Scholars Program gives an incredible advantage to students willing to pursue a career in engineering, and can benefit many more by giving them knowledge of engineering procedures and processes.

Aiden Judge
Shepherd High School
United States

Brian P. DeJong
Central Michigan University
United States


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